100 Hour
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
Have you been thinking of expanding your way of teaching or practicing yoga, in a way that meets with the mystical?
Welcome to the Advanced Yoga Teacher Training that embodies and honors the seasons, the cycles, and the magic of the phases - both in nature and in our bodies.
Join Leela Yoga's co-founder and initiated Shaman, Tonje Næss (E-RYT 500) and Leela Yoga teacher and initiated High Priestess, Kate Murphy (RYT 200 & KY 400) for an embodied Mystical Yoga Teacher Training* that balances the sacred with the anatomical, the history with the present, the cycles and the rhythms.
*MYSTICA Yoga School is a Yoga Alliance Certified® Yoga School.
About the Training
The 100h MYSTICA Advanced Teacher Training is a 9-day in-person intensive, taking place in the magical mountains of Jotunheimen, Norway, and includes 100 contact hours with Kate and Tonje.
MYSTICA 2024 Dates:
October 6th - 14th, 2024
Arrival day: October 5 or October 6th, 2024 by 11 am
Departure day: October 14th, 2024 after breakfast (11 AM)
Last day of Super-Early-Bird price: Imbolc, February 1st 2024
NB! Super-Early-Bird price is only available for the first 4 who sign up.
Join Leela Yoga's co-founder and initiated shaman, Tonje Næss (E-RYT 500) and Leela Yoga teacher and initiated High Priestess, Kate Murphy (RYT 200 & KY 400) for a Yoga Alliance Certified 100h Advanced Yoga Teacher Training that balances the mystical with the anatomical, the history with the present, the cycles and the rhythms of nature.
As the seasons change, so do we. We humans are intricately a part of nature, of Mother Earth and her cycles, and as such we are not meant to have the same focus or the same yoga practice throughout the year. This is what inspired us to create MYSTICA: A 100h advanced vinyasa-based yoga teacher training, which brings in the seasons, the cycles, and the magic of the phases - both in nature and in our bodies.
Based on the pagan Wheel of the Year, we will teach you four different vinyasa-style sequences, all including asana, pranayama mudra, mantra, song, chants, and chakras. Each flow embraces the cycles of nature and is specifically tailored to each one of the four seasons, gently guiding the practitioner to re-align and re-connect with the rhythms of the Earth as we move through the Wheel of the Year.
The training leaves you certified to teach the 4 seasonal MYSTICA Vinyasa Flows™️.
What will I learn?
The curriculum of the MYSTICA Advanced 100h Yoga Teacher Training weaves the foundations of yoga together with the mystical. Ceremony, ritual, and nature's cycles and seasons, are neatly weaved together with asana, mantra, mudras and chakras, leaving you certified to create and lead your own ceremonies as well as to teach the 4 seasonal MYSTICA Vinyasa Flows™️.

"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it "- Roald Dahl
Do you feel called to weave more mysticism and rituals into your life? To practice and/or teach more in harmony with our Earth's and our own bodies' rhythms and cycles? Do you want to deepen your vinyasa teacher training style in a way that is different from all the others out there? Or, maybe you don't feel called to teach, but simply want to dive deeper into your own spiritual practice? Then the MYSTICA Yoga Advanced 100h Teacher Training is for you!
Throughout the training we will cover:
Yoga asana, meditation, and pranayama aligned with the seasons and cycles
Mantras, mudras, and chakras connected to the sequences
Satsang and sharing
Teaching methodology and sequencing based on the Mystica Vinyasa Flow™️ style
Yoga anatomy, cueing, and assists for each seasonal sequences
Practice teaching in smaller and bigger groups.
How to create and lead ceremonies and rituals
The pagan Wheel of the Year
The seasons, cycles, the Sabats and Esabats & the phases of the moon
Mysticism and Priestess Path
Divination tools such as the tarot, runes and tea leaf readings.
Herbs, Oils, Flowers and their powers
Elemental Rituals and Mystical Crafting
Healing Circles
Deep shadow work
Songs and Sound Healing
And more...
The MYSTICA 100h training leaves you certified to create and lead your own ceremonies, as well as to teach the 4 seasonal MYSTICA Vinyasa Flows™️.
Masculine & Solar
Direction: East
Element: Air
Sabbat: Ostara
Corresponding Moon: First Quarter Moon
Tarot: Swords
Asana: backbends, heart-openers, trust + presence.
Chakra: Anahata
Mantra: YAM / I Love
Mudra: Vayu Mudra/Air Gesture
Masculine & Solar
Direction: South
Element: Fire
Sabbat: Litha
Corresponding Moon: Full Moon.
Tarot: Wands
Asana: twists, core, playfulness + energy
Chakra: Manipura
Mantra: RAM / I Do
Mudra: Agni Mudra/Fire Gesture
Feminine & Lunar
Direction: West
Element: Water
Sabbat: Mabon
Corresponding Moon: Last Quarter Moon
Tarot: Cups
Asana: hip-openers, creation + flow.
Chakra: Svadhisthana
Mantra: VAM / I Feel
Mudra: Varuna Mudra/Water Gesture
Feminine & Lunar
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Sabbat: Yule
Corresponding Moon: New Moon.
Tarot: Swords
Asana: grounding postures, stability.+ foundation.
Chakra: Muladhara
Mantra: LAM / I Am
Mudra: Prithvi Mudra/Earth Gesture

Who are we?
In addition to both being experienced yoga teachers, Tonje and Kate have spent years exploring the mystical, as well as similar earth-based spiritual paths.
Kate has been delving deep into her Celtic priestess heritage and is an initiated High Priestess of several lineages including that of The Magdalene, The Rose Lineage, and The Golden Age. Kate is also trained in energetic healing modalities including sound healing, reiki, and breathwork. You can read more about Kate here.
Tonje is a Wiccan, an astrologist, mesa carrier, and an initiated shaman in the lineage of the Pampamesayok – the Andean earth keepers – and educated in shamanic energy medicine from the Four Winds; the world’s most renowned school of shamanic energy medicine. You can read more about Tonje here.
Training Fee
20000 NOK / $2000 USD.
*Sign-up before February 2nd
24000 NOK / $2400 USD
.*Sign-up before June 21st
28500 NOK / $2850 USD
*After July 1st 2024
5000 NOK / $500 USD is needed to secure your spot and is considered a deposit. This amount is non-refundable.
Please note: These rates do not include food, lodging, or ground transport.

Eat & Sleep

We have rooms for different budgets, starting at NOK 8900 / $890 USD per person, for one week, including two meals per day*
Breakfast and dinner included for all types of rooms. Option to buy lunch on site between 11.00 and 18.00 every day, or make yourself a "matpakke" / lunch box at breakfast.

You can choose between the following rooms (full price per person):
2 ppl Shared Room with shared bathroom (8900NOK / $890 USD)
2 ppl Shared Room with Private Bathroom (9900 NOK / $990 USD)
Single Room with shared Bathroom (9900 NOK / $990 USD)
Single Historic Room (ala picture) w/ shared Bathroom (11500 NOK / $1050 USD)
Single Room with Private Bathroom (12900 NOK / $1290 USD)
The 2023 Registration is Open
Prerequisites for MYSTICA 100h Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
Experience: You have already been certified as a Yoga Teacher with a minimum 100h basis or a minimum of 2 years of yoga practice.
Commitment: We expect you to prepare yourself for the training as if you are preparing to teach yoga – even if you are not intending on teaching and are taking the course as a means to deepen your practice and understanding. This is a yoga teacher training – it is not a yoga “retreat.”
Preparation: We expect you to complete the preparatory assignments given to you prior to the YTT. This includes:
Read the required readings and submit a 1-page commentary on those readings.
Getting familiarized with the four seasonal sequences before the start of the training

To apply for a spot, please send us the following information:
Your contact information (Your full name, address, phone number, and email)
Your experience with yoga
A one-page motivation letter stating why you would like to join this training in particular.
*By sending in your application you confirm that you have read and understood the Mystica YTT prerequisites