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Greetings, Leela Yogis! About a week ago, at Samhain/All-Hallows-Eve, we crossed the threshold from autumn to winter, and we have officially entered the darkest quarter of the year. It is a time of the year where it is easy to choose to stay indoors, and as such, we are thrilled to see so many of you still coming to classes every week, stepping on the mat and giving your mind, body, heart and soul the gift of yoga. Thank you for being such dedicated yogis, and for being a part of our awesome yoga community - it would not have been the same without you! The weeks leading up to Yule and New year are filled with opposing energies. The darkness calls for us to slow down and tune in, while the holiday season wants us to celebrate. Luckily we have a little of everything here at Leela Yoga: you can take a deep dive inside with Daniel and his Meditation Inflation weekend, celebrate November's full moon with Christine or get upside down and fire up your bandhas with Jeff - the choice is yours. You can read more about this, and all our other workshops, circles and events below. Winter, for many, also means more sauna. Did you know that to sauna regularly helps you eliminate toxins, your muscles repair quicker, and improves your immune function? A perfect complementary activity to yoga, we would say! Let us know if you want to use it, and it can be tuned on for you to use before or after your class. NB! there is no sauna after the last class of the day. As you may have already notice, we have now also implemented some new rules regarding booking, and unbooking of classes, as we keep having more members coming to class (yey!!), we want to make sure that people on waiting lists get their spot - therefore you from now on have to unbook yourself from class, and if you fail to do so twice in 10 days, you will get a booking quarantine (meaning you can't book classes for 10 days).

DON'T MISS OUT! HOLIDAY SALE At our next breakfast club Friday, November 24th, there will be 25% off of our whole store between until 13.00. Online, we will also sell our 10-clip cards 50% off for 24 hours. Time to get your Christmas presents sorted, yogis! LEELA BREAKFAST CLUB The success continues! Start your day off right with Leela Breakfast Club! Once a month you can join our Friday Morning Vinyasa at 9.15, and enjoy a FREE breakfast consisting of delicious oats with all the toppings (vegan and gluten-free) + coffee from Fuglen (best coffee in town, we swear!). It has been amazing to see so many of you there at our previous events, and we hope to see many more of you there in the future! Next up is November 24th and the last one of the year is Friday December 15th. Welcome yogis! TREATMENTS AT LEELA YOGA Treat yourself to a little something and book treatment with our in-house ayurvedic yoga massage therapist, Alexandra. Alexandra is a certified level 4 ayurvedic yoga massage therapist from AYM UK, London. The method offers a whole-person approach grounded in the belief that our state of mind and feelings are not independent of how we feel in our physical bodies. The primary objective is to work in a way that allows the client to feel relaxed and safe in their body, and to be able to breathe freely. Physically, AYM helps soften tension in the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia. By helping the client feel more safe and relaxed, the treatment can also help reduce stress levels. Read more, and book your session here. LEELA'S SECOND-HAND CORNER We all have those beautiful leggings we don't use for whatever reason, or that yoga top we bought in Spain 3 years ago that we wore once... In other words, if you have anything in your closet you want to donate to the second-hand corner in our Leela shop, we are forever grateful! Eco-friendly & your local-studio-friendly! We welcome all yoga-related donations and are grateful for any support. The income from our second-hand corner will go back to our Leela community, and allow us to offer you more community events in the future! COURSES

  • Silje Frotvedt will be continuing her great success of prenatal courses (start December 7th) and postnatal courses (start November 8th and 9th) as well as the mama's flow (start November 9th), and one pregnancy course a week.

  • November 9th, Silje Frotvedt starts her 6 weeks course in pranayama and breathing techniques.

  • Daniel Gjerde will be hosting a weekend course in meditation December 1st-3rd, where you will explore ways of mindfulness, your energetic body, as well as the art of analytical meditation, learning how to hold more than one perspective at the same time.

See you on the mat, yogis! The Leela Team xox

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