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Rooted & Rational: Welcome the New Moon in Virgo

Writer's picture: Tonje NæssTonje Næss

This Friday, September 15th, 2023, the sun and moon conjunct as September is the hostess of a tranquil new moon in the sign of the corn maiden, earthy and rational Virgo.

A new moon in Virgo brings with it an air of structure and neatness. Virgo needs to feel needed and thrives best when she can be of service, and with this goddess being the ruler of the zodiac’s 6th house of health and service, grab the opportunity under this new moon to do some personal inventory as well.

Virgo invites us to find balance and structure in our day-to-day workings and routines, physical health, and the need for order. And these are all great qualities to have, making our life run much smoother; just be self-aware enough to know when it is tipping over on the neurotic side of the order scale. Start by checking in with yourself as well as your loved ones, then make a plan (A good plan is indeed the key to a Virgo’s ♡) as to how you can be of service to the world and take care of yourself at the same time.

And this moon can very well be an eye-opening time for your work, habits, health, and routines. With the Virgo new moon in an almost exact opposition to watery and emotional Neptune, the energy of the new moon may bring with it a strong message from our intuition. However, the earthy Virgo moon, in opposition to the strong watery Neptunian energy, can quickly become a slippery mud slide – reflecting only what we – or our Ego – want to see and turn into an internal war zone between our head and our heart.

Virgo likes to have her barriers up, while Neptune pushes our guard down, leaving us feeling soft and malleable. Fluid and changeable. And utterly ruled by our emotions. It goes without saying that Neptune’s influence is not an easy task to handle for a structured Virgo who prefers everything in order, in its right place, at all times. Virgo simply doesn’t know what to do with it. It’s like trying to grasp water with a strainer or controlling the tides of the ocean, which makes Virgo feel both anxious and overwhelmed.

On a positive note, if you can find the means to not get carried away by this maelstrom and manage to ground yourself properly, the influence from Neptune may strengthen your intuition under this new moon and gift you with a couple of insights and missing pieces to solve your life’s puzzle. Draw on Virgo’s practicality to help you stay rooted when an emotional tidal wave hits you, and it will help you sort confusion and delusion from true universal guidance.

If you, on the other hand, are a little too structured and rigid for your own good: Let the Neptun add some water to the Virgo earth that is cracked and dry. Virgo might like everything to be “just so,” but Neptune’s energy is here to remind us that there’s no need to hold it all together all the time. And even if perfectionistic Virgo may be scared to surrender the barriers and flaunt her flaws to the world, this new moon has come to let us know it’s time to give the head a rest and let the moon do her healing magic. Surrender. Everyone is allowed to let go once in a while – even Virgos.

She might not look like it, but Virgo is a courageous soul-warrior, which makes this moon such a wonderful time for self-healing. It is a time to stop resisting and to start surrendering. A time to let go of your Ego, of your fears of failure, and to start to trust in life. To let yourself soften, drawing on the strength of Virgo’s divine feminine power. And as you dive into your heart’s intelligence instead, set yourself an intention to be guided, then surrender yourself to the magnificent wisdom of Mother Moon. Trust that whatever is coming up for you around this new moon are the areas in your life that truly need healing, and let your intuition guide you toward the perfect solution.

And if there are moments – or days -when you feel lost and confused: stop, breathe, and touch base with your roots again. Remind yourself that this, too, shall pass.

Give yourself some much-needed self-love. Take a moment to just breathe and sit in stillness. Journal it all out if needed but remember to honor that quiet voice within. After all, you need to be quiet to hear your soul’s whisper.

New Moon blessings ♡

PS! If you want to dive deeper into all this incredible magic and more, Kate Murphy and Tonje Naess are hosting the MYSTICA 100h Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in the fall (September 29th - October 8th): A Yoga Teacher Training that embodies and honors the seasons, the cycles, and the magic of the phases - both in nature and in our bodies.Click HERE to learn more

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