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Leela Autumn News


Happy soon to be Autumnal Equinox 🍎🥐🍯🌾🍂 (exact Sept 22nd, 02.43 PM CET). Mabon, also known as the autumnal equinox or second harvest festival, is the midpoint between Litha, the summer-solstice, and Yule, the winter solstice. To Pagans, Mabon is almost like a sort of Thanksgiving, recognizing the gifts of the harvest and seeking blessings for the approaching winter months. According to the legend, Mabon was kidnapped and imprisoned as a child, and later on freed and transformed into a young god. His story symbolizes the autumnal equinox: Mabon – as the sun – disappear into darkness, and are later returned, like the sun in the spring. As the longer nights again takes over and the climate gets colder, life around us withdraw to tend to themselves. As plants and trees wither and die, their attention goes to their roots, and the healing, nourishing energy of the earth, and as such, Mabon is a time to slow down and tend to your own roots as well. It is a time to ponder our inner lives and to make plans and plant seeds for the future.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

✨️Season + Element: Fall and the element of water

✨️Incense: Cinnamon, Clove, Apple.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

✨️Stones: Yellow Agates, Lapis Lazuli, Citrin, Cats eye, Amber.

✨️Food: Apples, pomegranate, wheat, seeds, squash, pumpkin, wine, cider.

✨️Decorations: Pine, acorns, apples, grapes, seasonal flowers, candles.

✨️Colors: Yellow, Orange & Red

✨️Deities: Mabon, Persephone, Inanna, Demeter, The Horned God.

✨️Tarot: The suit of cups

✨️Chakra: Svadhisthana – Sacral Chakra

✨️Corresponding Moon: Last Quarter Moon – symbolizing doing inventory, letting go and creating space.



AUTUMN EQUINOX CACAO CEREMONY & YIN YOGA: This Friday, September 20th you can join Tonje for an Autumn Equinox caco ceremony & yin yoga. Yummy for the body as well as the soul. GET YOUR TICKET HERE 


Blessed be and have a magical autumn equinox, yogies 💕xox


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