Daniel is the most talented yoga teacher in Norway! Hahaha, no he isn’t, but he is playful and disciplined at the same time. (And we write these bios ourselves). He has a background in theatre and acting from London University and Central School of speech and drama, as well as dance and gymnastics. In his mid twenties, he followed this feeling of "something is missing», started traveling and meditating, and suddenly he was teaching yoga.
Daniel has a 200+500 E-RYT TT from Yogaworks, studied with teachers in Buddhist monasteries, yoga tantra traditions and subtle body trainings, traditional yin, mindfulness teacher program led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach and loads of kids yoga trainings. He has also created a yoga school; Lets Yoga Skolen with a year long in dept yoga and meditation program, here at Leela.
Playfulness, scientific approach, discipline, adventurous and safe is Daniel in a few words.
My morning routine: My perfect morning is waking up early, have a cup of tea, do my meditation and breathing exercises. Have a shake, then either asana, dance around or going to the gym. Then having a long breakfast. When our little son is at our house, the mornings are different:)
The world needs more:
Trust and wow-ness.
I believe in: that you and I are the same and have equal importance.
Love is: understanding, and the wish for others to be happy and spacious.
I can't get enough of: laughing and sillyness, yoga and and meditation (in the long run - sometimes its gets to much). Following my intuition and being with the aliveness (not always present with it though). Chocolate, nature, amazing conversations with friends. Traveling and making new discoveries. Reading a book, drinking coffee and a piece of kvikk lunsj. My husband and our hands touching. Smell of freshly cut grass.
Yoga is: my life, a medicine, a way of being with this universe and yourself.
My mantra: «i don’t know"
This year I want to: create and loose my limits.