August 16th, we welcome a bold and courageous new moon in 23 degrees Leo (exact 11.38 am CET).
Leo, a fixed sign ruled by the sun, likes to shine. Leo is affectionate and generous, playful, optimistic and loyal to a fault, but Leo's energy can also be highly self-centered, if not self-aware.
With its brave and bold lion’s heart, Leo naturally places its ambitions high and is not afraid to embark on new adventures. And as the glamorous fire sign Leo couples up in conjunction with one of the heavens beneficiaries, the planet of love and abundance, Venus, there will, without doubt, be an element of magic and passion to 2023’s new moon in Leo, handing you the sparks needed to step onto your very own hero’s journey with Leo’s open heart because the courageous and spirited sign of the Leo is all about learning to live fearlessly from the center of our being. Under the energies of this playful and free-spirited Full Moon, you are asked to call on your courage, embrace your inner child and take a chance on life. What are you passionate about? What brings you joy? How can you get more creativity and play into your life?
If you have stopped playing and feel that life is now just about serious business, this is your chance to change that mentality. Play is good for mind, body, and soul, and the Leo new moon urges you to step out of your comfort zone and be brave with your life. This is your chance to plant those seeds and to start dreaming your world into being.
Take time today to meditate, focus on your heart, and draw in the high spirits of the brave lion. Then surrender your heart to the journey ahead, and trust that you are Guided. If you get out of your own way, it’s so much easier for the Universe to do her magic. The beautiful energy of this heartfelt new moon is encouraging you to follow your hearts calling. Have faith in your path and your process, and let the Universe do what she does best, knowing that whatever unfolds at this time is written in the stars. Enjoy the ride, lovelies!!
New Moon Blessings ♡
Tonje xox
PS! If you want to dive deeper into all this incredible magic and more, Kate Murphy and Tonje Næss are hosting the MYSTICA 100h Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in the fall (September 29th - October 8th): A Yoga Teacher Training that embodies and honors the seasons, the cycles, and the magic of the phases - both in nature and in our bodies.Click HERE to learn more